Guide to Implement the ALARP Principle for Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE)

TitreGuide to Implement the ALARP Principle for Installations Classified for the Protection of the Environment (ICPE)
Type de publicationRapport
Année de publication2014
Organismes auteursINERIS
Texte complet

Today, technical-economic studies are sometimes conducted to decide whether a measure should be implemented or not. However, it remains difficult to interpret the results in order to make an informed decision. The method proposed by INERIS seeks to address this difficulty in this guide. It is a decision-making support tool. The guideline document is intended for operators of industrial sites and for inspectors of classified installations, to whom it offers a structured approach to justify the risk reduction. It thus guides the decision on whether to implement an additional risk reduction measure or not.