The Guide to Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) Engineering

TitreThe Guide to Human and Organisational Factors (HOF) Engineering
Type de publicationRapport
Année de publication2015
Organismes auteursINERIS
Texte complet

This HOF engineering guide has the objective of proposing to industrial safety agents who are non-specialists of HOF reference points for a structured approach in the field of HOF in high-risk industry. Specifically, it indicates precisely what is understood by an HOF approach, lists the most common HOF approaches with simple mapping of them, and provides descriptive sheets.
In addition, the guide presents a matrix to analyse the capabilities of HOF engineering: first, to make an evaluation, second, to structure an action plan of HOF engineering.
This first version of the HOF engineering guide will be complemented (particularly the descriptive worksheets) and updated from use and associated feedback.